Communication Guidelines
Communications are reviewed with the goal of improving communication and reducing conflict. Communication that follows the Communication Guidelines will typically achieve this goal.
In the review process, communication as a whole and how that communication fits within the conversation drives the final review decisions. Everything is taken into context in the communication review process. That said, the process involves an analysis of each communication within the context of adherence to its Communications Guidelines. Although not absolute, strict rules, the reviewers consider the following guidelines when reviewing communication content. As a result, the review process involves both objective and subjective components.
At times, the review process may seem to yield inconsistent results. However, please avoid making comparisons between reviews, given the complexities of communication. Instead, keep an open mind and focus on the review team's overall intention, resulting in more efficient, less confrontational, and more productive communication.
Also, please note that communications dealing with medical, child welfare, or legal topics are unedited to the extent possible while maintaining a civil and productive conversation to ensure that nothing is lost through transition and that the message can be forwarded without delay.